NBMBAA Conference
Provide meaning and creative direction.
The NBMAA already had a title in place for the conference, but they needed a meaning to support it and associated branding to represent it. The title was “A Promise Kept.” Tantrum was to come up with the rest.
Honor a 50-year legacy and
We established the theme was an outward commitment from the NBMBAA to continue to celebrate the potential and empower those young Black entrepreneurs and professionals. Last, “A Promise Kept” acknowledged the legacy begun over 50 years ago at the University of Chicago when this organization was created.
Inspired by the quilts of Gee's Bend and Adinkra symbols.
The creative team looked back into African-American history, pulling inspiration from the quilts of Gee’s Bend. The women who lived in this isolated region in Alabama created some of the most iconic and important visual and cultural contributions to the history of art.

Symbols & Legacy

A promise is an agreement to do or not do something. When you have potential, you show promise.

A Call For Accountability
“A Promise Kept,” is a call for accountability. Supporting NBMBAA is a way for those same companies to make good on their promise in developing the next generation of young Black entrepreneurs and professionals.
Celebrating Potential
“A Promise Kept,” is about celebrating potential in those young black entrepreneurs and professionals who continue to defy the odds. NBMBAA is committed to empowering them to reach new heights.