Tantrum Attends 2024 Q2 Magnet Summit in Nashville, TN

Tantrum Attends 2024 Q2 Magnet Summit in Nashville, TN

Tantrum Founder, David Tann and Creative Director, Stacey Smith dusted off their cowboy boots and showed up in Music City for Magnet Global’s Q2 2024 Summit. Since Tantrum’s invitation to Magnet Global in April 2022, the information gleaned from the Magnet community has been invaluable.  

Magnet Global is a worldwide network of independent agency CEOs and Principals from independent advertising and marketing firms. Magnet’s goal is to leverage the power of partnership with independent agencies and provide access to decades of collective experience, knowledge, resources, and international connections. 

In the past two years, Tantrum has attended three Magnet Global Conferences. Reflecting on the value of the time spent at these conferences, David said, “I continue to be impressed by the expertise and breadth of knowledge among member agencies. Members share tangible information with honesty and candor, fostering an atmosphere where everyone aims to help each other improve. This sense of camaraderie makes the event feel like a family reunion, gathering some of the industry's finest marketers and independent agencies.”

This year’s Magnet Global conference was a realization of Tantrum’s value of prioritizing learning and growth. In addition, Tantrum’s presence at the conference was a bit of an ah-ha moment for David:

“While our agency's focus on brand-centric services sets us apart, I've realized that we offer a fresh perspective and a unique operational approach that others can learn from. Each agency brings its own expertise to the table, making idea-sharing both refreshing and invigorating.”

This year, the Nashville Summit’s theme was “Rockin’ the Agency New Value Equation.” Farmer & Co’s Michael Farmer’s presentation titled “The Agency ‘New Value’ Equation” proposed what the New Value Equation means for agencies. This sentiment resonated deeply with Creative Director, Stacey. “It struck me how closely these values align with some of Tantrum’s principles,” said Stacey. Though Tantrum is not considered a traditional advertising agency, what Farmer proposed in his presentation regarding the ‘New Value’ Equation utilizes a similar lens to how we work with our branding clients.”

Framer proposed, “The ‘New Value’ Equation is positioned as a remedy to the flaws of the Old Value Equation [in advertising]. The Old Equation prioritized creativity over efficiency and accountability, leading to decreased agency profitability. The New Equation advocates for a balanced approach, integrating creativity with measurable results and client partnership, which in turn, will lead to profitability.”

Stacey continued,

“This client-centric philosophy reaffirmed to me Tantrum Agency's commitment to delivering tangible results, nurturing creative ingenuity, and strengthening client relationships. Embracing this ‘New Value’ Equation not only benefits our clients, but also ensures the agency's prosperity.”

An additional part of Farmer’s presentation struck a chord with David. He said, “Farmer emphasized the importance of creativity, underscoring the sentiment that ‘the world is not rational; it's emotional,’ which is a foundational principle for Tantrum.” 

As Founder and CEO of Tantrum, David is always listening for ideas to bring new offerings to Tantrum’s business model. He highlighted Barrel Holding’s Peter Kang’s insight on “productizing his business and offering alternative pricing solutions for clients.”

Another topic of conversation within the industry is the utilization of artificial intelligence. “The pervasive theme of AI throughout the conference was intriguing,” said David. “It's fascinating to witness how agencies have integrated AI into their technology stacks. There's less apprehension about AI replacing jobs and more appreciation for its role as a tool to level the playing field.” Platforms such as Waldo, Claude, Gemini, Chat GPT, and Jasper, were mentioned as particularly noteworthy to agencies currently implementing these tools within their work flows. These platforms allow agencies to work more efficiently and effectively. 

Lastly, Sam Littlefield of Littlefield Agency presented on the agency culture which ultimately led to the agency winning Ad Age’s Best Place to Work 2024. David was inspired by the story stating, “It showcased how nurturing a strong organizational culture is integral to business growth. Managing your team effectively is just as crucial as managing your clients.”